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Showing posts from March, 2024

Quick Reminder For Ramadan

  Quick Reminder for Ramadan: The most blessed month is coming, the month when Allah revealed the Quran, the time Allah forgives the sinners, and rewards a good deed multiple times. It is a month when we can bring ourselves closer to Allah. The time to enrich ourselves with piousness. Our opportunity to elevate our ranks in the next life. Let’s take advantage of this holy month to ask forgiveness for what evil we accumulated this year. Let’s reconnect with Allah and strive to improve ourselves. The scholars said, Allah will only accept a good deed when it’s done under two conditions : 1. The muslim should be sincere and only intend to please Allah alone. Not for show-off, not to gain fame, but to please the Almighty. 2. The good deed should be according to the law of Allah and the Sunnah. It should be free from innovation and falsehood. For instance, I remember a sister who is committing Riba told me that whenever she pays her loan she only intends to pay her debt but not the ...

Should I buy a house through a bank loan?

        In the year 2008, a severe financial crisis struck the world. Millions of people lost their jobs, house prices fell, and people drowned in extreme debt. So, what caused this pivot that afflicted the masses? The years before it happened, banks offered low interest, which resulted in many individuals loaning large amounts of money, which they couldn’t repay. As a result, both banks and borrowers went broke.  Today, banks continue to sprinkle us with their generous or practical way to own a house or a car. The phrase rent to own is powerful, entangling us with the burden of interest. A burden not only in this world but in the afterlife, too. Riba, or interest, is a known major sin, so why do we continue to engage in this wrongful act?  The perpetrating of this sin breeds. It asks you to loan again, again, and again. It steals your peace of mind. Gradually disrupt your relationship with friends, family, and with Allah. This wrongdoing...