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How to be successful?

Some of us grew up with parents who nag us what’s haram and what’s halal. Some parents with an iron fist punish their children when they make mistakes, and some parents drag their children to Madrassah at a young age. Until being a Muslim becomes a burden. As a result, some of us choose to live a life without rules. Till we lose our way and live a life that is detached from our Creator. A life far away from modesty verging into nakedness. A day bombarded by music until we abandon listening to the Qur’an. Laughing with the Kaffir instead of praying in congregation with the Ummah of Muhammad.

Yet Allah is the most merciful, most forgiving, and most loving. Allah will have mercy on you, though you forget about him. He will still forgive you as long as you repent to him. He will still love you even though you have disobeyed him for the sake of friendships, careers, or dreams. So, don’t lose hope in yourself, and don’t lose hope in Allah’s mercy. Purify your heart, repent to him, and run to him before it’s too late.


Allah the Almighty said:

“Are they not aware that it is Allah Who accepts the repentance of His servants and accepts their alms, and that it is Allah Who is Oft-Relenting, Ever Merciful?”

Qur’an 9:104

Love whom you want to love, and reach your goals and dreams as much as you want, but never attach yourself to them more than Allah. All these materials you possess will cease to exist, but your good deeds will stay. Every creature is short-lived, yet the Creator remains.

We want to be this and that, but have you ever thought about what Allah wants you to be? Take a moment to think about it. Take a moment to evaluate yourself. Whether you are a student, a mother, or a doctor, don’t forget to ask yourself; “Am I serving my higher purpose?” “Is the one who created me please with me?” “Am I walking on the right path or have I become a blind follower of my desire?”

Imam Ibn al Jawzi said:

“Verily, the death of others was just to remind you of your death, and the death of others was only to remind you of your death! Your indulgence in fulfilling your desires averts you from remembering the destruction of your essence.” [1]


The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said,

“Whoever absorbs his heart in love of the world will be entangled by three things: misery that will not cease to discomfort him, greed that will not achieve his independence, and vain hopes that will never reach their end. For the world is seeking and is sought. Whoever seeks the world, the Hereafter will pursue him until death comes to him and it seizes him. Whoever seeks the Hereafter, the world will pursue him until he exhausts his provision from it.” [2]

In conclusion, if we want to succeed in this life and the next. There is only one way which is to strive for the sake of Allah. All the good things you have and all the help that you’ll need to attain your dream is from him. So, come back to him and rely on him with full trust.


Allah the Almighty said:

“And whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger and fears Allah and is conscious of Him—it is those who are the successful ones.”

Qur’an 24:52





[1] Captured thoughts by Imam Ibn al-Jawzi, pg 72

[2] Reported by Abdullah ibn Mas’ud

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Kabīr 10328

Grade: Hasan (fair) according to Al-‘Iraqi



  1. Thank you for this reminder. Sometimes we forget that all success is only by the will of Allah. We forget to purify our intentions to seek the pleasure of Allah and it leads us to follow our desires blindly instead of following what Allah wants from us in the Quran and Sunnah. Keep reminding us sister. May Allah bless all your efforts in pleasing Him. Ameen ❤️


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