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3 Things to do after conversion to Islam (Part 1)

Someone told me that after all these years, I never changed. I’m still mean and rude with my use of words. She was right, I never changed. When I converted to Islam, it didn’t change me to the kindest person. Yet, it taught me to stop the bad things that I used to do. In Islam, we are not asked to change who we are entirely. We are asked to repent, stop doing haram, be righteous, and believe that there is only one God.

Going back to my ‘being mean’ I just want to say that my words are not hurtful but they are truthful. An honest speech will always be hateful because truth hurts. Nevertheless, they are not meant to hurt the innocent. Words can be painful or beautiful not because of their sound. But because of their meaning and use. And the sharp words are a weapon to straighten the sick heart and stubborn soul.

In Islam, we are not expected to be perfect and each one of us has our own phases to improve ourselves to be a better muslim. Still, that is not an excuse to neglect what we are obliged to do. As a revert Muslim, saying our shahada is not enough. Sincerity, truthfulness, and practicing our religion are imperative.

The prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:

“If any of you improve his Islamic religion then his good deeds will be rewarded ten times to seven hundred times for each good deed and a bad deed will be recorded as it is.” [1]


As soon as we convert there are many questions and concerns about how are we going to deal with our non-Muslim relatives and friends. Once we find out about the truth of the next life, we are excited to teach them about Islam because we want them to have Jannah or we are too scared for them to go to Jahannam. If you feel this way, you need to take a moment to sit. 

I know that death can come to us anytime and we don’t want it to be late for them. However, you have to keep in mind; that not because it was easy for you to accept Islam doesn’t mean it will be easy for them. And before jumping to preaching Islam, we need to start with ourselves. So, what do we do next after conversion to Islam?  Here is the list of what should we do:


1.       Know your Lord


The first thing that we should worry about is to know who Allah is. Who is he, what are his attributes, and what are his rights over us? The more we know who Allah is, the more we will be sincere with our conversion, actions, and beliefs.


Ibn Al Qayyim said: “Whoever knows Allah, knows everything other than him. Whoever is ignorant of his Lord is even more ignorant of everything other than him.” [2]


Imam Karim Abu Zaid said;

The three main reasons why we must learn about our Lord are:

 1.       Knowing our Lord precedes the Quran.

2.       Knowing our Lord inspires compliance.

3.       Knowing our Lord is a means of Dawah (Call to Islam). [3]



2.       Know your religion


We must learn about our religion, practice it, and be consistent with it. Am I giving you so many things to do? No, I’m not. These are your obligations to Allah, know that paradise is not cheap. And you already lived a life that you do what you please. So, isn’t it the right time, to please Allah?


If you ask, ‘Do I need to study in an Islamic school?’  To start knowing our religion we can begin by reading the Qur’an, attending Jumuah lectures, meeting righteous Muslim friends, and abandoning the bad ones. Seeking knowledge is crucial in Islam. There are so many Free Islamic E-Books that you can read to expand your knowledge or you can enroll in free Islamic courses at a nearby Madrasah or Islamic Dawah Center. But do note that you should take knowledge from a trustworthy scholar and not from a self-proclaimed Ulama. 


3.       Know your prophet

I remember a Muslim convert told me that her prophet is Prophet Jesus. Is she right? No.        We have to believe in all the prophets yet Allah sent us prophet Muhammad specifically as our prophet. This Ummah where you belong is the Ummah of Prophet Muhammad. You don’t get to choose, and indeed it is a test of submission. Though the intellect can’t comprehend what it is asked to do, we have to submit.

              Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said:

“By him in whose hands my life is none of you will have faith till he loves me  more than his father and his children.” [4]

            The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is the best of mankind. If we study his life, we will have all the guidance in every situation that we have to deal with. Allah made him experience being an orphan, the death of loved ones, oppression, and so much more. For him to be the example,  inspiration and brother.

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, 

I wish I could meet my brothers.” The companions of the Prophet said, “Are we not your brothers?” The Prophet said, “You are my companions, but my brothers are those who have faith in me yet they never saw me.” [5]

 Though he is long gone, the story of his life is still out there, intact, to know him, to love him, and to follow him. Allah the Almighty preserved prophet Muhammad’s sayings to reach us. So, the believer and the sinner, the truthful and the patient will follow him to be humble, to be firm, and to be a person who repents.

There are more that I need to add to this list that I want to share with you. In the meantime, let’s stick with these, and start with them, and don’t forget to subscribe for the next part. Inshaa Allah.





       [1] Sahih Al Bukhari 1:Chapter 2, Hadith 42

 [2] Ibn Al Qayyim in Madarij al Salikin Bayna  Manazil Iyaka na’budu wa-Iyaka Nas’tain (vol.  3. P. 351)

[3] Know Your Lord by Imam Karim Abu Zaid. You can download the book here for free

            [4] Sahih Al-Bukhari 1:Chapter 2, Hadith 14

 [5] Source: Musnad Aḥmad 12579

Grade: Hasan li ghayrihi (fair due to external evidence) according to Al-Arna’ut



  1. Beautiful writing subhanAllah. Thank you for the reminder. Although I'm a born Muslim, I still need to do all this. To know Allah and to know my religion. The journey never stops. It's amazing how knowledge can change us. Prophet Muhammad saw should be more beloved to us than anyone else in our lives. SubhanAllah. That says a lot. May we be able to meet him in jannah insyaAllah. Ameen.


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