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3 Things you should do when Allah gives you a trial.

photo by: Francesco Tommasini

3 things to do when Allah gives you a trial.


Years ago, I had to warn someone oblivious about people with bad intentions. The culprits were the people I loved; who were important to me. Nevertheless, I still did what I had to do, the right thing. 

What I did resulted in a catastrophe, it was unexpected and took me by surprise. I only wanted nothing but to save them from Allah’s anger. When they found out what I did, they hated me, they slandered me, and they cut me. It was devastating. I cried in my sujood. All I wanted was to please Allah and for the truth to prevail. But somehow, after my concerted effort, the person didn’t believe me and got victimized.

Indeed, after this event, I learned to accept that there are things we can’t control. We must be patient and surrender to Allah’s plan.

That’s my story and I’m sure it’s different from yours. Nevertheless, whether you lost something or someone, or you’re struggling with something worse, I hope the list I wrote below will help you somehow.

The three things I learned that you can do when Allah gives you a test:

  1. Accept the challenge and what Allah decreed.


         Some things come into our lives unexpectedly. Sometimes we welcome or try to ignore them. It scares us, robs our peace of mind, and brings us so many what-ifs—but this is life. There will be days full of hardship and there will be days full of excitement. We can’t be invariably sad or happy. Allah gave us this life with pain and joy. It can’t be perfect.

Indeed, accepting the challenges and what was decreed with patience paves the way to getting closer to Allah. When we fully accept and understand why Allah put us to a test it’ll bring peace into our lives. It's always hard in the beginning, however, remember there’s always a rainbow after the rain.

Ibn Al Jawzi once said:

“Life must contain good and bad. Receiving good necessitates giving thanks and receiving bad provokes begging and praying.” [1]

  1. Be patient, control your tongue and hands

Deep down in every smile, there is pain buried. Nevertheless, isn’t being patient a beauty? Allah loves those who are patient. So, no matter how hard it is to pull ourselves together, complain only to Allah.

I know how much you wanted to tell everyone what’s burdening you, but let Allah hear you first. After all, he is the one who tested you and the one who will truly help you. You can shed tears, your heart can feel sorrow but control your tongue from complaining or hurting someone by your words. Say only what pleases Allah. Shackle your hands to protect someone and yourself from being hurt. Nobody needs to get hurt, especially you. 

  1. Seek Allah's help first.

Last night, I was amazed by how Allah manages our affairs. I looked at the blessings that Allah bestowed on us, and into my past and I said, I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m glad and grateful that Allah made yesterday the hardest and my present the happiest.

I’m glad that the past was far away.

I’m grateful for what I have today.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

So to you, my reader, surrender and let Allah manage your affair. Only Allah has the power of over all things. Seek Allah’s help and always put Allah first, when I said this, I meant not only with your schedule but also whenever you need help, ask Allah first and then seek help from the knowledgeable. For instant, if we're sick we pray to Allah, ask for his help and then we should also take medicine or go to a doctor.

Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:

“...If you ask, ask Allah, if you seek help, seek help from Allah…” [2]

Allah the almighty said in the Quran:

"(Remember) when the young men fled for refuge to the Cave. They said: "Our Lord! Bestow on us mercy from yourself and facilitate for us our affair in the right way." Quran 18:10

If your faith is depleting, remember who your lord is, the only one who can help you pass the test. To surrender yourself and ask his help doesn’t mean you’re weak, it is simply humbleness, and surrendering to something bigger than us. Know that beyond the great barrier reef, is a site of remarkable variety and beauty.

In conclusion, it is an excruciating journey to live in this world. Indeed, we will never fathom the wisdom beyond the necessary struggles to please Allah. Nevertheless, if we patiently accept the trials in this life to enter the doorway to our Creator there will be an everlasting satisfaction.

And remember when Allah tests you that pain only exists in this World and not in the hereafter.

Ibn Al Jawzi said:

“If you ever find such a person in a state of hardship, his certainty of Allah’s reward will change the bitter to sweet honey and yet, he will be content with all his life conditions.” [3]


[1] [Captured thoughts, pg 637]
[2] Narrated ibn ‘Abbas [This hadith is quoted in Sahih At-tirmidhi]
[3] [Captured thoughts, pg 328]

#Islam #trial #muslimwoman


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