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Islamic Parenting Tips: 3 Verses from the Quran about Parenting.

Islamic Parenting Tips: 3 Verses from the Quran about Parenting.

          As a muslim parent, we love our children so much that we want what is best for them and we all know that there’s nothing in this world that we can give better than Islam. Our offspring are the hope of having someone to pray for us when we die. They are our chance to continue our legacy, and we don’t want to see them go astray. Therefore, we should do our best to guide them, and to do it, we need to be equipped with knowledge from the Quran and the Sunnah. In this article, I shared some verses from the Quran that we can apply in Islamic parenting. 


1. Marry a pious muslim and be a role model

They are those who pray, “Our Lord! Bless us with pious spouses and offspring who will be the joy of our hearts, and make us models for the righteous.” Quran 25:74.

In this verse from the Quran, it is very clear that parenting starts before we even get married by marrying someone who obeys and worships Allah alone. When we decide to get married, we shouldn’t rush to decide on who to choose. We mustn’t be only based on how someone looks or how much someone earns. We must think of our offspring’s safety, foremost. If we choose the right person who Allah loves, we are ensuring a better future for us and our children in this life and the next.

Another thing that we can take from this Quran verse is that “... make us models for the righteous.” To be a muslim who moderately practices Islam and who acts on what we are implementing, we’ll be setting the seal on having righteous offspring. Children learn by copying their parent or their guardian, they are like an empty flash drive that whatever we copy and paste they will keep it, good or bad. 


2. Teach children to be charitable and live moderately.

“O believers! Do not let your wealth or your children divert you from the remembrance of Allah. For whoever does so, it is they who are the true losers.” Quran 63:9  

When a person becomes a parent, you’ll notice that they are more hardworking than ever. The father wants to make sure that he provides well and the mother will always worry about her children’s well-being. 

We watch our kids’ every move, and development, and anticipate their first word, but barely remember who had blessed us to have them. We buy them too many toys, sending them to a school that is beyond our means, therefore we become stingy with our relatives, the weak, and the needy. It is a joy to have children, but we must not forget that part of being a parent is to instill gratefulness, generosity, and groundedness in our offspring. Excessiveness must be razed on the ground and moderation must be built. 

In the Quran verse mentioned above, Allah the Almighty clearly stated that if we let our wealth and children distract us, in this world we will be among the losers. So, let’s not our dream for our kids stop us from spending in the way of Allah. Let’s not forget to offer our helping hands to those who need us. Another part of parenting is teaching our children to be content and helpful to the people that Allah loves. 


3. Raise them to be obedient to Allah

  “And know that your wealth and your children are only a test and that with Allah is a great   reward.”  Quran 8:28

Ibn Kathir explained the verse above by saying that Allah tests us so he knows which of us will be grateful and obedient to Allah, or become busy with and dedicated to our wealth and children instead of the Almighty. To be honest, when we look around, even at our closest relatives, we will find some parents who are in deep trouble for disobeying Allah just to ensure their kid’s happiness. Just as simple as letting them watch the whole day with cartoons with background music and worse as taking riba to put a roof on their head or letting their children commit fornication because they don’t want them to get married yet. 

As a parent, there are things that we need to implement that need firmness, understanding, and patience to raise the young. If you fear that your kid will rebel, trust me they won’t, especially if you explain the consequence of disobeying the law of Allah with kindness, gentleness, and forgiveness. When a kid makes mistakes, we should not punish them straight away rather give them a chance to say sorry, and encourage them to learn from it and do better next time. 

Instead of telling them, “I’ll be mad and punish you if you do this and that,” you should rather talk to them with a positive attitude by saying things like:

“Let’s watch something else without music, so Allah will be happy and then we’ll get a reward.”

“You’re father is going to be happy if we clean up your toys.”

Our kids love to please us, so let them know what pleases you and what pleases Allah, and praise their actions when they do it. 

The Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said: “None of you have faith until I am more beloved to him than his children, his father, and all of the people.” [1] 

Last but not least, as much as we love our children, the prophet peace be upon him should be more beloved to us, and with our love for him, we will find the light on how to be a good parent and how to raise a righteous offspring. 


[1] Narrated by Anas ibn Malik (Sahih Al Bukhari)

#islamicparenting #Quranverse #parenting #muslimparenting


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