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How to reach your goals and succeed: with just 5 attitudes


To reach a goal and succeed, money is just a means. The right attitude is what you need. Before we tackle attitudes, first we have to set our goal or objective. Our goal should be realistic. The other day, my toddler told me he would transform into a scooter; he even said, ‘Insha Allah. Well, we all know he is not going to reach it, even if he has the right attitude, simply because his goal is unrealistic. So, set a realistic goal before anything else. Then plan and implement.

1st attitude: gratitude.

Your task should always start with gratitude. Thank Allah for everything—for having the tools, materials, resources, and means to reach your goal. Alhamdulillah. Most of the people that I know who have succeeded in their careers always start with gratitude before doing their task. It is really effective, as I always do this before writing or doing anything, and I always get the result that I want. It is important for us to take time to express gratitude to all the blessings that Allah has given us before anything else. When you practice gratitude, it's like planting a seed of thanks. Just as a seed grows into a plant and then eventually bears fruit, the seed of gratitude can grow into feeling of joy, appreciation, and contentment. This, in turn, can help you lead a more balanced and fulfilling life. Thankful people are often happier, healthier, and more successful, so gratitude is definitely worth cultivating.


2nd attitude: Intentional

When you’re intentional in every task you do, not only will Allah the Almighty accept it from you, but he will also guide and help you. Always intend to do everything for Allah’s sake. I’d say most of the time I always forget to be intentional, especially if what I only need to do is house chores, but being intentional in anything can make you aware of your actions, and when you are aware, you’ll avoid mistakes, and when you avoid mistakes, everything will be organized. 

Being intentional is like steering wheel of a car. Just as a driver needs to steer their car in order to reach their destination, intentionality helps us steer our lives in the direction we want to go. Without steering our lives, we could easily go off-course and end up somewhere we don't want to be. Just like a driver steering their car with intention, we need to intentionally make choices and take actionable steps in order to shape our lives the way we want them to be.

3rd attitude: sincerity

Sincerity makes you humble; when you are humble, it will be easy for you to ask for help and receive feedback that can help you improve in any aspect. When you are sincere and have more concern for everyone, it will be easy to always find a solution to whatever matter comes your way on reaching your goal.

Sincerity is like the ingredients of a cake. Just as a cake isn't a cake without ingredients, sincerity isn't sincerity without ingredients such as honesty, loyalty, respect, kindness, etc. When these ingredients are mixed together, they create a sincere person. Much like a cake with all its ingredients mixed together creates a delicious and appetizing dish, a person with all the elements of sincerity creates a trustworthy and reliable individual.

4th attitude: truthfulness

Just like our prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, before his prophethood, he was already a successful merchant because of his truthfulness. By being honest and trustworthy, you will gain support from people because they know that they can trust you. And when people support you, it will boost your confidence in reaching your goal.

Truthfulness is like the foundation of a building. Just as a building can't stand strong and solid without a foundation, truthfulness can't exist without honesty and integrity. Without these foundations, a person can only be as stable as the weak foundation upon which they have built their lives. Much like a building with a weak foundation is prone to collapse and damage, a person who is not truthful and honest faces risks to their credibility, trustworthiness, and ultimately their relationships with others.


5th attitude: patient

Implementing the four attitudes above without patience won’t help you reach your goal. Being patient should always be present. Remember, you’re here to reach your goal, and to reach that, there will be obstacles along the way. When you struggle to reach your goal, giving up is the easiest thing to do, but with patience, even when everything seems impossible, you will remain motivated. Having patience will help you be content with any results that Allah decrees. Sometimes we will not get the result that we are expecting, but when Allah gives you something else, that means you got the best result. Remember, Allah is the one who knows the unseen and is the Most Just. He will always give you the best and what is most beneficial.

Patience is like the sun: It continues to shine even when there are clouds and storms. It doesn't rush through its work, it takes time and does it properly. In the same way, patience doesn't rush through life; it takes time and does it work well. The sun shines on, even when the clouds and storms come by, and the patient remain calm even when things around them get chaotic. The patient remain steadfast in his purpose, and don't let challenges stop him from his goals.



'O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful.'        Quran Al-Imraan :200



That’s all. I pray that Allah the Almighty grant you success in this world and in the hereafter. And give you humility.


More on this blog:

Allah is sufficient

10 things I do to increase my Iman (faith)

 Should I let my husband marry another woman and be part of polygamy

How much mahr (dowry) should I ask?

Sincere advice on getting married for muslima


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