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Fear is a type of worship.

Fear is a type of worship that Allah commanded us. 
The evidence for fear is the saying of the Most High:

So do not fear them, but fear Me and beware of disobeying Me, if you are truly believers.
[Quran 03:175]

[Fear is of three types :

{ Fear of worship: It is fear of the worshipper for the one he worships. It involves complete submission and glorification for the one being feared. It is major shirk if done for other than Allah.

Natural fear : Such as fearing a fire, an enemy, a predatory animal, one's parents etc, This is permissible.

Prohibited fear: Loosing hope in the mercy of Allah or obeying creation in disobedience to the Creator. }
Reference : (From the book of "Explanation of the three fundamental principles."  By Shayk Haytham ibn Muhammad Sarhān.)]

As the modern world advances with technology, committing inappropriate and unlawful acts from the comfort of our own homes is one click away. 

Our innocent boys and girls are getting addicted to pornography and having relationships outside marriage that can lead them to commit abortions. It becomes simple to carry out these awful deeds because of technology.

In a world rapidly turning digital, we became internet users more than ever. Giving charity and Islamic lectures are mostly done through the internet. Yet, technology is also one of the reasons why we lack fear; we became this person that is so attached to our mobiles that we couldn't even get up, perform salah, or read Quran.

No repentance. No remembrance.

We read and watch mostly about the lives of someone else instead of studying the lives of the Prophets, when Allah had put them in situations where we could learn how we ought to deal with our problems and how we should live our lives.

We are in deep fantasies that we became busy working on our social media lives, occupied working on our status, willing to do anything to please everyone and our very own selves except Allah. We are eager to obey creation in disobedience to the Creator because we arrogantly have no dread of God. Instead, we fear what the world will say about us.

God had commanded us to fear Him. So, do we fear Him? When was the last time we acted out in obedience because we feared Allah?

Fearing Allah will protect us not only from the punishment in the hereafter but also from the harm in this life. If we make decisions and choose our actions out of fear, it will lead us to a life that is full of harmony, blessings, and satisfaction.

Allah the Most high said:

Those who spend their wealth in the way of Allah, and then do not follow up  what they spent with reminders of their generosity or with insults, will have their reward with their Lord- they have nothing to fear, nor shall they grieve.
(Quran 2:262)

"...So do not fear them, but fear me, that I may complete My blessings upon you, and that you may be guided."
(Quran 02:150)
As for those who feared their Lord: for them will be gardens beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever- hospitality from Allah. What Allah possesses is best for the just.
(Quran 3:198)

I ask Allah the Glorious, the Mighty, by His beautiful Names and Attributes to accept this as having been done sincerely for His sake alone. I ask Him to bring me its benefits during my lifetime and after my death. May those who read it, those who share it benefit from it also. Surely He, the Glorified, is Capable of all things. May the peace and blessings of Allah be upon our Prophet Muhammad, and upon his family and Companions and whoever follows them in piety until the Day of Judgement.

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